Its been a couple of weeks or more since I have posted but when I tell you my little story you will get why. My precious Gypsy (which we will call the green gypsy) broke and had to be sent back to Provocraft. Thank goodness it was still under warranty but I just couldn't wait on committments I had made for it to come back (I actually got a brand new one with the same serial code). So...I bought a new one and priority shipped it along with duplicate cartridges because we know you cannot use the cartridges in more than one Gypsy. My daughter and I busily recreated all the designs we needed to continue our projects in the new Gypsy (which is now the pink Gypsy). Whew we were able to continue but then a week ago Thursday, PC came out with a content update for the Gypsy. So I plugged it into my computer and proceeded to do the update but it wouldn't finish. I got on the Cricut.com community chat right away and found out others were having similar issues and the recommendation/advice was to reformat the Gypsy and the update should work during the reformatting. Okay, so I do this and complete wipe out my cartridge content in my pink 2nd Gypsy. Not a good think.
After many tears and stressful moments, I decide to purchase Design Studio so I can again continue working on my projects and for the third time proceed to recreate my designs in a new program. Then 2 days later while still in the process of recreating the designs, green Gypsy (first broken gypsy)arrives. Do I dare try to update it? Well I have to because it has no cartridges except the ones that come preloaded from PC so with lots of prayers and crossed fingers...I plug it in to update and it does it smooth as silk the first time through. In the meantime I forgot to mention for 8 days I continue to try to get the pink Gypsy up and running again and reloading the cartridge content. Also during this long process and many hours on the cricut.com message board I learned that I could have actually backed up my projects in a document file on my computer (which of course I found out after I wiped out the pink Gypsy to reformat it but I have done since on 2 computers and a zip drive just in case).
I think well if the Green Gypsy updated so easily, the PC server must be fixed so Pink Gypsy should also upate...nope....3 more days go by and we save all our files to green Gypsy and Design Studio and we share between the two and we are on top of the world but still pink Gypsy isn't working and its only 30 days old. Ready on Monday to get on the dreaded hour long wait phone call with PC, I decide to try one more time and reformat Pink Gypsy again...what do I have to lose afterall I had lost it all already. GUESS WHAT...it reloaded and updated and now after many lost hours, many lost tears, and a few unmentionable moments, I have 2 working gypsy machines and design studio on my computer all in working order and this picture represents catch up over the weekend for the projects I had committed to getting done!
YIPEE is all I can say!